Hi all...I'd appreciate your thoughts on this! I WILL be working on the class on Meaningful Journaling again...I got sidetracked by life and other considerations, and now I find I have a question.
I've recently taken a couple of online classes that were almost exclusively videos. Mine are usually heavily PDF, with video supplements, these days (though I didn't used to include videos in my early classes, if you've taken those.)
I much prefer the format I use even when I'm TAKING a class, for various reasons. Here are a few of them:
I don't want to spend that much time in front of the computer.
I can only watch videos right here, not out on the deck or in my shed or on the go. If I print a PDF, I can take with.
My attention wanders when a video takes too long (for me, that appears to be anything over 10 minutes, usually.)
I like to be able to easily refer back to a section or a detail or a particular point.
I like clickable links, which videos don't have.
I like good clear visuals/illustrations that are easy to find again.
I like to be able to underline or make notes, if I've printed out a lesson.
Videos often feel so slooooooooow...and I tend to scroll ahead.
When I want to review something in a video, it's harder to find again than when I simply turn a page.
There are more reasons, I'm sure, just not bringing them to mind at the moment.
So what are your thoughts?
My current classes are here, by the way: