...it's been a rough couple of months for me and for my family. An unexpected and too-early death knocked the pins out from under all of us; we are cocooned in our individual lives, feelings, perceptions, stumbling about and knocking into walls that are sometimes one another. I am not feeling at all able to work on my book, it requires too much organization, for now.
A great deal has happened since my Solstice post, but for now I will just say thank God for small pleasures and the simple, everyday things. A cup of favorite tea, a purring cat, my husband's touch, the beauty of the wild birds outside my window--the sacredness of the everyday.
...a favorite pen with a fine and flexible nib... |
...the beauty of flowers... |
...a bird seldom seen...I was journaling about him, above...
...and always, journaling, learning, growing, creating. |
The class I'm taking is called Everyday Sacred, and it is helping...I have a focus that is letting me see more clearly and let go.